1/4 American Wagyu Beef

1/4 American Wagyu Beef

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Quantity must be 1 or more

Upgrade your grilling game with our 1/4 American Wagyu Beef. Experience the unmatched tenderness and rich flavor of this premium wagyu beef. With a 1/4 share, you'll always have freezer beef on hand for a delicious meal. Fire up the grill and savor the benefits of this top-quality cut. Limited quantities available. Don't miss out!


Once you submit your deposit and process your order for your Premium Reserve Whole, Half or Quarter beef, we will give you a call to confirm your order and send you an email with information about the steer you are buying.


STEP 1: Beef goes to Pease Packing and will be registered under your name. Your beef carefully ages for approximately 10-14 days.

STEP 2: Pease will contact you for your cutting order.


You can submit your cutting order directly through the butcher's website:            https://www.peasepacking.com/

STEP 3. Pease will confirm the hanging weight of your beef and will call you when your meat is ready to be picked up!

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